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Eastern Academy of Management International

EAMI 2022 Proceedings | ISBN: 978-1-7342680-2-7 »

Coming Back Stronger: Perspectives on how the response to COVID-19 has helped stimulate more meaningful management education, particularly for students historically marginalized by the academy

Keywords: management education, experiential learning, DEI, first-generation students

Abstract: Management education (and Business Schools specifically) are uniquely positioned to narrow the opportunity gap for first-generation and diverse populations. Facilitated by a University President (and former Business School Dean), four Business School Deans from the US and France engage in a conversation about diversity, equity, inclusion and access. The discussion will include demonstrated strategies for reaching learners previously excluded from higher education, the impact of graduate and online education, the importance of programming executed in excellence to gain C2C velocity, leveraging technology as pathways for economic mobility and creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

The discussion will also include the critical role and practical relevance of inclusive and meaningful experiential learning, one of the most powerful ways business schools can promote student success upon graduation. Research shows internships, consulting work, hands-on class projects and international travel have a long-lasting impact on the career success of college graduates. Although transformational, these valuable opportunities are not easily accessed by under-represented populations. For example, the 2019 Student Survey of the National Association of Colleges and Employers revealed that “statistically significant disproportionalities exist in terms of race-ethnicity and representation by internship attainment and pay type”. Finally, given the disruptive role of technology, the conversation will also include skills and knowledge delivery where learners contribute to the digital transformation of the business environment, adaptations to keep education accessible in COVID and lessons learned for the next normal of operating moving forward.

Jennifer Madden, Linfield University (United States)

Bogdan Daraban, Barry University (United States)

RT Good, Lynn University (United States)

Miles Davis, Linfield University (United States)


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