Organizer & Moderator: dt ogilvie, Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology
Metricia SL James, Dean, School of Business. St. Bonaventure University
Shalei Simms, Acting Dean, SUNY Old Westbury
Managing the Business School with Emotional Intelligence
Research and advice on leadership often discuss the importance of interpersonal skills when leading an organization and being a productive academic leader but they less often talk about emotional intelligence and self-awareness as predictors of success among academic teams. Today’s issues such as increasingly vitriolic rhetoric and feelings, politicizing issues, gaslighting, attempting to create a more inclusive campus, dealing with COVID-19, etc. that affect many university campuses, the use of emotional intelligence is more critical than ever. Panelists will discuss the following questions.
- How can you recognize emotions in yourself and others to improve your productivity or prepare for better managing your college?
- What is the connection between emotional intelligence and individual, team, and college results?
- How can you manage the various individuals and teams you work with more effectively?
- How can you more easily handle conflict and difficult personalities?
- How do you best mentor and manage staff, students, and faculty?
- How you can manage yourself and your relationships more productively?
- Do you need to assess the emotional intelligence of job candidates?
Previous Deans Panels:
2013 Seville, Spain "The crisis in education due to resource constraints ‐ Opportunities and Threats."
2015: Lima, Peru “At the Intersection of Old and New: Changing from the Old AACSB Standards to the New AACSB Standards ‐ Implications for Faculty and Schools”
2017: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia "Diversity and Inclusion: Challenges and Opportunities"
2019: Dubrovnik, Croatia “AI and Digital Technology: Opportunity or Threat?”
Contact Information:
Miles Davis, PhD President
Office of the President McMinnville Campus Melrose 104, Unit: #A444 503‐883‐2234
Matrecia S. L. James, Ph.D. Dean
School of Business Swan Business Center
St. Bonaventure University St Bonaventure, NY 14778 716‐375‐2200
Ian O. Williamson, Ph.D.
Paul Merage School of Business
University of California, Irvine
+1 949 824 8470
Shalei V. K. Simms, Ph.D.
Acting Dean
School of Business
SUNY Old Westbury
PO Box 210
Old Westbury, NY 11568
dt ogilvie, PhD
Professor of Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development
Former Distinguished Professor of Urban Entrepreneurship and Former Dean
Saunders College of Business
Rochester Institute of Technology
107 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623