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Eastern Academy of Management International 2019 Conference

EAMI 2019 Proceedings | ISBN #: 978-1-7342680-0-3 »

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How long are newcomers new? A review of the organizational socialization literature

As a change process, organizational socialization research depends on understanding the time frame marking the process of adjustment. Yet, the duration of any socialization process is a matter of socially constructed, rather than objective time (Zaheer, Albert, & Zaheer, 1999). This makes identifying the duration of “new” more challenging. The aim of this paper is to review scholarly recommendations regarding specification of time in research, and to compare these recommendations with how empirical studies are actually conducted. We review of the organizational socialization literature and discuss the implications for future research, particularly for multinational and occupational differences.

Johnna Capitano
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
United States

Vipanchi Mishra
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
United States

Priyatharsini Selvarathinam
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
United States


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